5 Law of Attraction Essentials : The Science and The Spirituality

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2019

1. What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction (LoA) refers to the quantum play of energy as it relates to frequency, (otherwise termed as vibration).  The basis of this universe is a quantum field of constantly moving (vibrating) energy forces. The Law of Attraction refers to the scientific law (or principle), which governs the movement of energy.

Go deep inside the structure of any cell and you will find sub-atomic particles dancing and moving; in a soup of mostly space, and a few particles! This dance is happening inside of us...and outside of us.  What is the space between our cells filled with?  What is the air (that we assume is space) filled with?  This quantum dance responds to set 'rules' and is constantly happening at a level unseen to the human eye.  In my experience, this is the main reason why many people struggle believing in this law.  LoA is the 'attractive', magnetic powerful force that draws like energies together.

2.  Why would I want to study the Law of Attraction?

LoA is a mathematical law, much like the Law of Gravity;  it is in play in every moment, whether we believe in it, are aware of it, or not.  Consider this: if you don't believe in gravity, you still will not fall over!  The same rules apply with here.  LoA is the governing force that brings all experience in to your life.  To study and understand this force, puts you in a powerful place of employing conscious creation, instead of creating (manifesting) by default.   

The 'you' that you know yourself to be is a part of this vibrating universe, and your vibratory output (determined by thoughts, feelings and atomic structure), is attracting like vibration to it ALL THE TIME.  These vibrations manifest as information, experiences, connections, illnesses, joy and anything else that comes in to the sphere of your life.  To decide to 'own' our vibratory output is, quite simply, one of the tenements of any Master, Saint, Sage or Seer that has ever walked this earth.

3.  What is it going to take to Master LoA?

Firstly, commitment AND discipline.  This is not a one-time event. AND if you stick with me, working with this law will imbed itself into your lifestyle as easy as breathing.  Commitment is key, discipline a must.  Then the ease of flow will be yours...

Secondly, you'll need a willingness to investigate scientific and spiritual truths which may have previously been unknown to you.  Over the course of time on this planet, universal truths (laws) have been filtered, kept for the 'few', not the 'many'.  This effectively kept the mass populous in a state of ignorance and powerlessness.  I mean, think about it.  Back in the dark ages those in power were employing all sorts of mathematical and spiritual rituals to ensure their abundance and power.  But what about the rest?  Well, for one, they got to watch anyone who stepped outside the 'norm' be hung in public!  What a great way to scare people into staying put in their current state of misery and lack!  I am going to suggest that the energetic remnants of these memories live in our cells, as passed down with our ancestral genetic memory.  Times of powerlessness and lack often override any impulse we might have to be brave and move toward our dreams...so, its time to offload that!  

You'll need to take a really 'wide-lense' view of your life.  To see yourself beyond the small 'I' we have been conditioned to believe we are.  If you are willing to do this, glimpses of brilliance await you.

Thirdly, you must commit to this for yourself, and no one else. Intention matters, and if our intention to be a masterful conscious creator is motivated by purity and from love, magic manifests in an effortless way.   If it is not, then it will be like pushing a boulder up a hill.  The commitment will feel like too much, and the chances of staying the path are minimal... 

4  What has yoga got to do with LoA anyway?!

Glad you asked! As you dive deeper into the study of the Law of Attraction, you'll realize we are working with quantum forces, best dealt with in the present moment.  Thats where the system and science of yoga comes in.  The tools and information handed down by Yogi masters are basically the 'HOW' of the Law of Attraction!  Yoga avails us to disciplines which, when employed regularly, increase the probability of aligning with the powerful conscious force of this universe. The system has methods for working with our body and our mind, all with the intention to know our spirit.  Seeing that we will need some 'energetic surgery' to clean up our vibratory output, it makes sense to use the system the yogi's gave us!

5.  Where to next?

If the information above has you intrigued, then your next step is to dive into my 2 hour video module, 'The Yogi's Guide to the Law of Attraction'.  I will go deeper into the science of the universe, the relationship to yoga mythology, the manifesting triad, and the 'HOW' of the Law of Attraction.  For many participants, this module on its own has kickstarted some really powerful manifestations!  You can complete the module in one sitting, or watch bit-by-bit when you have time.  Committing to this next step begins the real study. As the Indian teacher Osho said, "To change something you have to bring it to the light of consciousness".  So I'll say it like this, "once you know something, you can't un-know it."   This module will open you to information and techniques which, once known, will start to weave their magic...


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